ICSD President's Letter

02 August 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland

Dear ICSD Members,

I write to confirm that following Dr. Valery Rukhledev’s decision to step down from the office of President, the ICSD Board appointed me as ICSD President at its board meeting in Yerevan, Armenia on Saturday 29 July 2018 and for this to take effect from the 01 August 2018 until the next Congress.

Bylaw 3.2.f states that in the event of a vacancy for the office of President, the Vice President of World Sports will assume the Presidency, and the Vice President of World Sports position will then be selected by the Executive Board.  Following a decision by our Vice President of World Sports, Mr. Kang Chen not to continue as Acting President, the Executive Board exercised its responsibility and power to fill the vacancy under article by unanimously agreeing to appoint me to the office of President.

I understand this is unprecedented in ICSD’s history as are the circumstances surrounding Dr. Valery’s resignation from the board.  I wish to reassure you that this decision was made by the full board including our Regional Representatives and that it is my intention to restore trust and confidence in ICSD.  I ask for your patience and understanding as I make the necessary changes to the way we do things at ICSD towards improved transparency and engagement with our members.

With regard to the request for an extraordinary congress, it is my duty to inform you that the conditions for an extraordinary congress laid out in article 9.2.1 of the constitution were not met, in particular that an extraordinary congress must be requisitioned by at least one-third (1/3) of full members from at least two (2) regional confederations.  Out of the 47 member countries making the requisition, 23 are not paid up members as required by clause 6.1.3 of the ICSD Constitution.  An attachment with details of paid up member countries is included here.

Upon receipt of a valid requisition for an extraordinary congress, we will be duty-bound to follow through with the requisition.  In the meantime, we will proceed with addressing, in turn, the seven (7) matters raised in your emails and answer questions that you may have with the material we will be providing when we address each matter.

We will commence this work next Monday on a week by week basis until the list is completed.

I look forward to working with you towards an ICSD that puts our athletes and our members at the heart of everything that we do.


Rebecca Adam
ICSD President