ICSD Code of Ethics Reporting Form

This form is designated for reporting any suspicious activities that violates the rules, regulations, policies, or any aspect of the ICSD system. It is also intended for reporting incidents of harassment and/or abuse, as well as infringements such as financial misconduct, legal regulatory violations, and ethical breaches falling under the jurisdiction of the ICSD.

Important Considerations: This form will be reported to the ICSD Ethics Officer. Your identity will be kept confidential and will only be disclosed to individuals directly involved in investigating your report, unless you explicitly consent otherwise. You also have the option to request anonymity, which will be respected by the ICSD. However, providing additional information may enhance the ICSD's ability to investigate and address the reported situation effectively. Each incident report will be handled on a case-by-case basis, ensuring thorough investigation and appropriate action.

Your cooperation in upholding the integrity and standards of the ICSD is greatly appreciated.

Are there any witnesses?
Do you have any evidence material relating to this incident?
Have you reported the incident to someone else?

Data Privacy: This reporting form is managed by the ICSD. By submitting a report, if you include any personal information about yourself, this information will be processed for the purpose of assessing your report and facilitating further investigation by the ICSD where necessary.

You have the right, in accordance with applicable law, to withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal information; request access to your personal information held by the ICSD; request the deletion or correction of any erroneous or incomplete personal information; and object to the use of your personal information by the ICSD.

Your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of the ICSD is valued.

* required entry