46th ICSD Congress Minutes - Samsun 2017
Sheraton Hotel
Samsun, Turkey
16-18 July 2017
09:00 to 18:00 on 16 July 2017
ICSD President Dr. Valery Rukhledev gives a welcome speech and commenced the ICSD Workshop at 9:45
Discussion and questions on:
Relationship with International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee
Xenia Morfopoulos, Advisor to ICSD President, delivered a power point presentation on ICSD’s Sports Advocacy Role in the future among the National Deaf Sports Federations and projects with the International Olympic Committee.
In March 2016, the ICSD and IOC signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which furthers the relationship between these two organizations. One of the projects is Olympic Channel. ICSD is now recognized as one of the Olympic family members.
- ICSD to play a more significant role in advocacy and promotion of sport and physical activity at all levels around the world
- ICSD’s advocacy role encouraged by the International Sports Agenda
- World Health Organization data reports about the inactivity among the Deaf
- ICSD to organize leadership seminars and program for the Youth by the NSDFs
- Establishing links with community based entities
- Promoting more for the Youth: the Youth Deaflympics preventing violence, learning the value of active life style, empowering young women to become leaders, reaping the benefits of sport
- Shifting from inactive to more active community services for adults, creating life-enriching experiences in different settings
- The ICSD-IOC MoU offers more enhanced services and programs offered by the IOC
- IOC has allocated funds to National Olympic Committees (NOCs) for sport development in different regions. ICSD members may consider applications for funds through the Olympic Solidarity Program.
Slovakia: Peter Birka stressed the importance of re-naming the ICSD to International Deaflympic Committee (IDC) which will strengthen NDSFs position with its national government and NOC.
ICSD’s response: it will take a while before the re-naming happens. The value of the MoU will help strengthen our position with the IOC. There are legal parameters to consider for full implementation.
Kronos: provider of information technology services and applications offers a glimpse of services available for athletes, coaches, and spectators.
- Kronos will work on the network issue at the Deaflympic Village for better bandwidth.
- Availability of time schedule for transportation to and from venues on the Games application?
- Kronos will attempt to obtain further information from the Games Organizing Committee - transportation department.
- ICSD Media asks for access to multiple devices simultaneously.
- Some nations wish to have its own timetable for competitions rather than depending on a general time schedule for competitions for all sports/teams.
- Kronos will strive to fulfill all requests.
Anti-Doping Regulations
Valery Rukhledev begins a power presentation on “Play True” and invited Artem Buerov, ICSD Doping Control Officer to review the WADA and ICSD Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations.
- Athletes shall be fully educated on how to take part in clean sport.
- ICSD implemented its Anti-Doping policy with WADA in 2006 and was then revised in 2015.
- The WADA Code is the core document that provides the framework for harmonization of anti-doping policies, rules and regulations.
- Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is granted to an athlete with an illness or condition that requires a particular medication that is already on the Prohibited List. Process in requesting TUE is elaborated.
- Transgendered athletes and their medications requirements necessitate new changes in the regulations.
Selected questions from the floor:
How is doping control managed at regional confederations events?
ICSD and regional confederations are responsible to enforce.
How is the annual anti-doping report prepared and disseminated?
It is available on www.deaflympics.com under the anti-doping subheading.
How is the number of athletes to be tested determined?
Randomly established and selected. The minimum % tested at regional events is set at 5%, world championships and Deaflympics at 10%.
How can ICSD address financial hardship on the host to enforce anti-doping?
On-going issue to be explored further by the ICSD
Sweden’s proposal is that ICSD shall be responsible for the doping control testing for all events including world championships. It will be discussed after lunch break.
Lunch break 13:00-14:00
Workshop resumed at 14:35
Audiogram Regulations and assistive hearing devices
Dmitry Rebrov, ICSD Chief Executive Officer, highlighted the coding system for verification. Audiograms must be typed and are accepted only directly from NDSFs. Hearing aids and/or cochlear implant aids are not allowed during competitions.
Norway presented a case study of some athletes in Norway who have been declared ineligible for participation due to too much hearing in a better ear: less than 55dB, despite their cultural identity as a deaf person. It proposes that the athlete have a minimum of 110 dB hearing loss on both ears summed together and must have a minimum of 41 dB hearing loss in the better ear.
Croatia: possibly create two separate categories: Deaf1 for those with 55dB or above and Deaf2 for those with less than 55 dB, competition is limited only to individual sports.
Portugal presents some new scenarios for those with less than 110dB combined. Further study is recommended.
Jane Tabor, ICSD Audiologist, explained that it is not just possible to sum up the decibel loss in both ears and be divided by 2 because hearing is treated the same as sight. Eyesight is never summed together. The speech range is within the 55-65 dB, so deaf people within that range can hear without a hearing aid and may struggle a bit in understanding speech. Persons with 41 dB can hear and understand speech more comfortably.
ICSD Office Management System (OMS)
Ralph Fernandez, ICSD IT specialist, explains that OMS functions as a virtual office. History was highlighted from 1998 to 2017. Access is given to ICSD Staff, Executive Board, Technical Directors and NDSFs. ICSD will continue to enhance online services for members in the future.
ICSD Constitution & Bylaws
Delegates had the opportunity to review and discuss each proposal that would be on the Congress agenda. Some of the proposals were referred to commissions for further study.
46th Congress
09:00 to 18:00 on 17 July
09:00 to 17:00 on 18 July
The 46th Congress commenced at 9:42 with Rebecca Adam presiding. Pleased to have Dr. Sam Ramsamy from the International Olympic Committee with his assistant Sarah van Ballekom. Recognized guests of honor: Donalda Ammons and Knud Sondergaard, both Honorary Life Members of the ICSD.
- Welcome by ICSD President, Dr. Valery Rukhledev is pleased to see an increase of delegates which is a sign of progress and we will move forward with positive decisions. Thank the Turkish and Samsun Governments for making positive strides as the host of the Games.
- Welcomed Dr. Ramsamy to the stage to deliver a congratulatory message from IOC. IOC President Bach sent his regrets and asked me to take his place. I am pleased to be here to see the Congress in full action and the Opening Ceremony. I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Valery Rukhledev on one of the IOC commissions.
- Rebecca Adam thanked Dr. Ramsamy for his inspirational speech, giving a positive boost to the world of deaf sports.
- Welcome Hasan Dikuya representing the Samsun Games Organizing Committee with good wishes for a very successful event.
- In Memoriam. The athletes, coaches, leaders have passed since 2015:
- Raphael Huys of Belgium
- Peirre Dewit of Belgium
- August D’Hondt of Belgium
- Mauricie Milloen of Belgium
- Ferand Persyn of Belgium
- Rywka Herszteyn of Belgium
- Werner Deschamps of Belgium
- Damir Sunjic of Croatia
- Michal Vrana of Czech Republic
- Jovan Momirovski of FYROM
- Safari Hossein of Iran
- Keyvan Karamad of Iran
- Hossein J. Farahani of Iran
- Arthur Gustafson of Netherlands
- Fred Draaisma of Netherlands
- Jo ten Haaf of Netherlands
- Johan van Winsum of Netherlands
- Louis Coppen of Netherlands
- Martie Koolhof van den Hooven of Netherlands
- Mellanie de Souza of Netherlands
- Serrie Kamerling of Netherlands
- Eddy Buermans of Netherlands
- Wies Sritzke-Hartog of Netherlands
- Tamara Belenkova of Ukraine
- Vasyl Sandugei of Ukraine
- Duane Styles of USA
- Jeff Sauer of USA
- Flor Mendoza de Ramos of Venezuela
- Greddy Guedez of Venezuela
- Mary F. Lopez de Szabo of Venezuela
- Andres Albertini of Venezuela
- Roll Call: Total number of members is 109, only 79 eligible members to vote as of 10:25 a.m. Added Yemen to 80 at 11:10 a.m. After admission of two new members who are present, the number increased to 82.
- Afghanistan
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahrain
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bolivia
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Chinese Taipei
- Colombia
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Ecuador (new)
- Egypt
- Estonia
- Ethiopia (new)
- Finland
- France
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Great Britain
- Greece
- Guinea
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Korea
- Kosovo (new)
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Latvia
- Libya
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Malaysia
- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Nepal (new)
- Netherlands
- Nigeria
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Saudi Arabia
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- Zambia
Appointment of Scrutiners: Reed Gershwind (USA), David Peters (AUS) and Isabelle Malaurie (FRA)
Coffee Break at 10:45 and resumed at 11:15
- Confirmation of minutes of 45th ICSD Congress at Khanty-Mansiysk, RUS. Approved
- ICSD Report for the period of 2013-2017. Valery Rukhledev highlighted through power point presentation. In addition, he recognized Marina Tomilova, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation.
- Questions from the floor:
- Cameroon asked why no mention of ICSD’s attendance at the CADS seminar in South Africa in 2016. Rukhledev responded with an explanation: CADS had undergone major changes and it was mentioned in the ICSD report 2013-2017 page 23. Look forward to positive collaboration with CADS in the future with new leadership.
- Netherlands: all documents and reports should be received 2 months before the Congress. It was not the case here. The EB acknowledged the delay and apologized.
- Greece: Was the torch approved by the IOC? Why didn’t the torch route begin in Paris?
- Valery Rukhledev responded affirmatively of IOC’s support. He was also disappointed the route did not begin in Paris, due to lack of time and organization by the Games Organizing Committee. As a result, the route had to start in Lausanne instead. Greece suggested that in the future the flame start in Greece then to Paris then to the host site.
- Croatia expressed concern with the ICSD website for error in reporting medal winners in team handball at the 2013 Summer Deaflympics in Sofia. The ICSD office reported that the results are being checked for accuracy now and will be shortly fixed.
Finance Report 2013-2016
- John Skjeveland, a ICSD certified public accountant, presented a report with graphs showing losses in the previous years, up to 2015. In the past year, ICSD managed to recover. The Jerald M. Jordan Fund has been fully restored.
- There were some concerns about the delay in distributing the financial reports. The rule is the report shall be distributed 3 months prior to the Congress. Therefore, there is not enough time to review and approve. The delegates agreed with the ICSD’s suggestion that ICSD will seek approval from ICSD members by mid October 2017 by e-mail. If there are not any comments or concerns issued by any ICSD members it will be considered as approval.
- Reports from Regional Confederations
- Lunch break at 13:00 and resumed at 14:35
Questions from the floor:
Simeon Hart of World Deaf Golf Federation wishes to give a round of applause for well-presented reports this morning.
FYROM delegate wishes to have the name of the country amended from FYROM to Macedonia
Great Britain: What is the current status of the Constitution: Option C changes that were approved at previous Congress? Rukhledev responded it is still in the works and will present at the next ICSD Congress.
Netherlands asked for clarification on the process for approval of the Agenda
ICSD New members:
Sweden asked that vote take place for admission of new members.
- Admission and Recognition of New Membership Applications - Ethiopia, Kosovo, Nepal and Ecuador
- Vote: Yes 64 No 0 Abstain for Nepal 0
- Vote: Yes 72 No 1 Abstain for Kosovo 0
- Vote: Yes 70 No 0 Abstain for Ethiopia 0
- Vote: Yes 70 No 0 Abstain for Ecuador 0
New Proposals for Adoptions
Proposal #1- Belgium
- Revise membership fee structure for Full Members
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board to work on membership fee structure
Proposal #2 - Czech Republic, Sweden and Ukraine
- Increase the number of positions on the ICSD Executive Board, to either 7 or 9
Action: Final decision was to increase only to seven (7).
Yes - 65 No - 6 Abstain - 1
Proposal #3 - Germany
- Modify participation fees for World Deaf Championships
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board to work on participation fee schedule for World Deaf Championships
Proposal #4 - International Chess Committee of the Deaf
- Propose to adopt chess as an official sport in the Summer sports program for Deaflympics, commencing in 2021
Action: YES - 30 NO - 18 Abstain - 11
NOT APPROVED, due to lack of a majority (must have at least 34)
Proposal #4A- International Chess Committee of the Deaf
- Propose to adopt chess as an official sport in the Winter sports program for Deaflympics, commencing in 2019
Action: YES - 49 NO - 11 Abstain - 12
Proposal # 5 - Sweden and India
- Deaflympics shall take place in the same year as the Olympics and Paralympics
Action: Refer to ICSD to investigate further.
Proposal #6- Iran
- ICSD shall devise a new bidding system for Deaflympics that would include a second city as a backup, in the event of cancellation by the first city.
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board
Proposal #7- Iran
- Countries with severe financial hardship should be exempt from paying participation fees.
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board to evaluate case by case.
Proposal #8 - Kazakhstan
- One position on the Executive Board shall be reserved and filled by a woman, with an objective of promoting women in sports.
Action: ICSD members shall always be mindful of the IOC’s expectations of the Olympic Family. The IOC also recognises that gender equality is a critical component of effective sports administration and continues to support the promotion of women and girls in sport at all levels and structures. ICSD is committed to this.
Proposal #9 - Norway
- Propose a change of today’s audiogram requirement (classification rules) from 55 dB hearing loss on the best ear.
- It is proposed to sum up the hearing loss of both ears and divide in two thereafter. An average of 55 dB and over opens for participation in Deaflympics. The athlete can have a minimum of 110 dB hearing loss on both ears summed together, and must have a minimum of 41 dB hearing loss on the best ear.
Action: Refer to ICSD Audiological Commission for further study. The ICSD audiologist confirmed that it is not possible to sum both ears and divided by two.
Proposal #10 - USA
- It is respectfully requested that the ICSD financial records and reports (both audited and unaudited) for the period of 2009 - 2017 be made available for examination by ICSD member countries, to be effective immediately.
Action: ICSD confirmed that the detailed financial reports would be distributed to members within the next 6 hours. John Skjeveland, a certified auditor, presented a detailed report and the members found it to be satisfactory.
Proposal # 11- USA
- When an offending ICSD member country withdraws from the World Championships during either preliminary or final round, 50% of the withdraw penalty fees due to ICSD shall be given to the ICSD member country that hosts the event.
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board
Proposal #12 - USA
- When an offending ICSD member country withdraws from the Deaflympics during either preliminary or final round, 50% of the withdraw penalty fees due to ICSD shall be given to the ICSD member country that hosts the event.
Action: Refer to ICSD Executive Board
Sweden requests that all proposals be included in the packet regardless of ICSD Legal Commission and ICSD Executive Board’s decisions to reject or refer. It is duly noted.
- Coffee Break at 16:00 and resumed at 16:30
- Continued with discussion of Proposals
- Recessed at 18:13 on 17 July
18 July 2017
Start at 9:22
- There are 85 countries present on the second day of the Congress. ICSD now has 113 nation members.
- President Rukhledev extended a warm welcome to Dr. Joseph Murray from World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and Dr. Sam Ramsamy of International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- Update Report from 2017 Summer Deaflympics Organizing Committee - none available
Final Report from 2015 Winter Deaflympics Organizing Committee
Nadezhda Shakhbazyan from Russian Committee of Deaf Sports highlighted via power point presentation - approximately 50 million US dollars were spent on the Games, primarily for the infrastructure and free flights from Moscow to Khanty Mansiysk and Magnitogorsk.
Selection of the venue for 2018 Summer Youth Deaflympics: two candidate cities - Yerevan, Armenia and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Armenia decided to withdraw and urged the delegates to vote for Argentina.
- Results: official approval of Argentina to host the 1st World Deaf Youth Games in January 2019.
- Selection of the venue for 2019 Winter Deaflympics: no official bids received. However, there is one city that is currently in negotiations with ICSD.
- Selection of the venue for 2021 Summer Deaflympics: no official bids received. There are four (4) cities being considered. In negotiations.
Rubens-Alcais Award
- 2011 - Chinese Taipei
- 2013 – Bulgaria
- 2015 – Russian Federation
- 2017 – South Africa
Medal of Honour Award
- Ms. Natalia Komarova, Russia
- Mr. Vitaly Mutko, Russia
- Mr. Thomas Bach, President of International Olympic Committee
- Dr. Valery Rukhledev, President of the ICSD
- Mr. Nikolay Nikolov, Bulgaria
- Mr. Vasyl Sandugei, Ukraine
- Dr. Donalda Ammons, USA
- Mr. Yu-Ping Chao, Chinese Taipei
- Mr. Mac Adam, Australia
- Mr. Ralph Fernandez, USA
Best Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year Award (2013-2016)
Men 2013 – Simon CHERONO (Athletics, Kenia)
Women 2013 – Yue Yue HE (Swimming, China)
Men 2014 – Vitaly OBOTIN (Swimming, Russia)
Women 2014 – Nadezda KORABLINOVA (Bowling, Russia)
Men 2015 – Vladimir MAYOROV (Cross Country Skiing, Russia)
Women 2015 – Tereza KMOCHOVA (Alpine Skiing, Czech Republic)
Men 2016 – Mykola NOSENKO (Athletics, Ukraine)
Women 2016 – Nele ALDER-BAERENS (Athletics, Germany)
Election of the ICSD Executive Board for 2017-2021 term (secret ballot by paper)
- A simple majority with at least 43 votes will be declared a winner.
- Marijo Lusic (CRO) and Valery RUKHLEDEV (RUS). Lusic withdrew.
- Valery Rukhledev: YES - 77 NO - 0 and Abstain - 0.
Vice President-World Sports
- Kang CHEN (TPE) - 43, Jack LAMBERTON (USA) - 13, Marijo LUSIC (CRO) - 20, and Ioannis STOUFIS (GRE) - 3
Kang CHEN is declared a winner
Vice President-Youth Sports
- First round: Jack LAMBERTON (USA) - 22, David LANESMAN (ISR) - 29, Saule SHAKUOVA (KAZ) - 11, Ioannis Stoufis (GRE) - 13
- Second round: Jack LAMBERTON (USA) - 36, David LANESMAN (ISR)- 27, Ioannis STOUFIS (GRE) -12
- Third round: Jack LAMBERTON (USA) - 43, David LANESMAN (ISR) - 30
Jack LAMBERTON is declared as a winner
Members at Large: first top four (4) names with highest votes are elected - BOLD
- Rebecca ADAM (AUS) - 49
- Grigor GRIGORYAN (ARM) - 43
- Leonid KASITSKYI (UKR) - 33
- Yakup Umit KIHTIR (TUR) - 51
- Marijo LUSIC (CRO) - 37
- Vasko MARKO (FYROM) - 23
- Omid SAEEDI (IRN) - 7
- Saule SHAKUOVA (KAZ) - 16
- Ioannis STOUFIS (GRE) - 23
Miscellaneous: Video demonstration of Sailing by Polish Deaf Sports Federation and Video presentation of Frontrunners Sports of Denmark.
Closing address: President Valery Rukhledev thanked everyone for a very productive Congress and looks forward to serving the next 4 years with fruitful collaboration and success.
The Congress was officially adjourned at 17:12.
Congress End