News & Announcements


Doping control and Audiology tests during the 23rd Deaflympics The last results of doping control after all the additional researches procedures are now known. We are thus now ready to provide the outcome of the 23rd Summer Deaflympics in Samsun, Turkey
Posted: 2017 Nov 15

Video available

A Month after the 2017 Deaflympics A Month Passed Since the Conclusion of the 2017 Deaflympics
Posted: 2017 Aug 26

Rukhledev, Kihtir and Baltacı at closing ceremony

Samsun Deaflympics 2017 Has Ended 23rd Summer Deaflympic Games, which had started on July 18 and brought together more than 3 thousand athletes from 97 countries, has ended with an closing ceremony in Yaşar Doğu Sports Hall on the 30th of July
Posted: 2017 Jul 31

Mayor Yusuf Ziya Yilmaz & Ruhkledev at golf course

Samsun Makes History Samsun Golf Club has become a part of the history in Deaflympics
Posted: 2017 Jul 28

Samsun 2017 - Anti-doping

Doping and Audiogram Tests at the Deaflympics are historically the highest Fifteen (15) Doping Control Officers only from the Agency are working at the fields and sporting venues at the same time.
Posted: 2017 Jul 26

Samsun 2017 - Anti-doping

Samsun - 23rd Summer Deaflympics 2017 is a Success Story Turkey is the center of attention from across the world for the deaf community. Samsun was given the chance to show the world what they could deliver.
Posted: 2017 Jul 25

Samsun 2017 - Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony Deaflympics 2017 The 23rd Summer Deaflympics, which brought together 97 different countries from six continents, 3 thousand 148 athletes, and over 5,000 participants, began with an opening ceremony that was magnificent and worthy of its size.
Posted: 2017 Jul 18

Samsun 2017 - ISCD Workshop in Sheraton Grand Samsun Hotel

The ICSD President Arrived to Samsun On the 12th of July, the ICSD President, Valery Rukhledev arrived to Samsun for the 23rd Summer Deaflympics.
Posted: 2017 Jul 12

Samsun 2017 - ISCD Workshop in Sheraton Grand Samsun Hotel

Deaflympics Torch Arrived to Samsun The torch of the 23rd Summer Deaflympics has arrived from Lausanne to Samsun, Turkey on July 3, 2017. People of Samsun greeted it in the grand ceremony held with the participation of Youth and Sports Minister Akif Çağatay KILIC in Batı Park.
Posted: 2017 Jul 04


The 23rd Summer Deaflympics gets closer as the Deaflympics Torch Relay started! Torch of the 23rd Summer Deaflympics passed through Lausanne on the way to Turkey. The flame was lit in a very special ceremony at Maison du Sport International, where ICSD headquarters are.
Posted: 2017 Jul 03


Sam Ramsamy to attend 2017 Deaflympics Sam Ramsamy To Attend The 2017 Summer Deaflympics in Samsun
Posted: 2017 Jun 30


Samsun 2017 Deaflympics Torch Relay gets under way as Deaflympic Flame lit in Lausanne The Ceremony of lighting Torch for the Summer Deaflympcis Samsun 2017 will be held on Monday, 3rd July, in Lausanne, Olympic Capital of the world.
Posted: 2017 Jun 29

Video available

Samsun is ready for the Deaflympics! Video Message from ICSD President Dr. Valery Rukhledev
Posted: 2017 Jun 26


Deaflympics Will Also Be Good For Tourism in Samsun 23rd Deaflympics which will be opened with a magnificent ceremony in Samsun on July 18 and will continue until July 30, will make a great economic contribution to hotel and motel companies in Samsun and many other sectors.
Posted: 2017 Jun 20


The Official Name of the Mascot of 2017 Deaflympics We are thrilled to announce the official name of the Mascot of the Deaflympics 2017. The name of Mascot has been chosen by the votes of more than 100 thousand people on the internet platform.
Posted: 2017 Jun 19


Cakir the Olympic Mascot takes the field The official mascot of 2017 Deaflympics, Cakır, became the center of athletes' attention
Posted: 2017 Jun 17


Tthe man overcomes obstacles: Onur Kayihan Deaf Onur Kayıhan carries out his duty in Samsun as an instructor, although he could not attend Olympic Games as an athlete
Posted: 2017 Jun 11


The last event of The last event of "Olympic Day", which is celebrated worldwide was organized in Samsun, where host 23rd Summer Deaflympics.
Posted: 2017 Jun 07

Video available

ICSD Executive Board and Turkish Authorities held 5th Progress Report Delegation members of the ICSD Executive Board visited the remaining sports venues that were in the final stages of construction. The venues for athletics, shooting, bowling are now fully constructed. These sports venues are now undergoing final work.
Posted: 2017 May 19


Samsun is learning International Sign Before 23rd Summer Deaflympics Samsun, a social event was held in a shopping centre on the purpose of taking attention to International Sign
Posted: 2017 May 14


Volunteers are learning Signs The volunteers, who deserved to participate in internatonal sign training after interviews of the 23rd Summer Deaflympics that will be held on 18-30 July in Samsun, are learning sign language
Posted: 2017 May 10


97th Anniversary of April 23 National sovereignty and children's day was calabrated in Samsun enthusiatically 97th Anniversary of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day was celebrated with the participation of Mr. Ibrahim SAHIN, Samsun Governor, and protocol members of Samsun in Mustafa Dagıstanlı Sports Hall
Posted: 2017 Apr 23


The Coordinatorship of Deaflympics is learning Sign language The Coordinatorship of Deaflympics is learning "Sign Language"
Posted: 2017 Apr 13


Media Accreditation for 2017 Summer Deaflympics Media Accreditation for 2017 Summer Deaflympics in Samsun, Turkey
Posted: 2017 Apr 04

Video available

Samsun 2017 Inspection From February 18 to 22, more than 70 delegates from 34 countries came to Samsun, Turkey to inspect the sports venues and Village of the Deaflympics to ensure that it's ready for the 23rd Summer Deaflympics.
Posted: 2017 Mar 29