Therapeutic Use Exemptions

If an athlete entered to compete at the Deaflympics in Sofia, Bulgaria (26 July -- 4 August) needs to follow a medical treatment that contains a substance or method on the Prohibited List, the athlete will need a valid Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).

The TUE gives the athlete the authorisation to use the treatment during the event. Without the required TUE approval, taking a prohibited substance, using a prohibited method or testing positive for a prohibited substance during the event would constitute an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV).

It is expected that many Athletes entered to compete in the Deaflympics who require a TUE for a chronic condition may already have a valid TUE granted by their National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO) or International Federation (IF). ICSD recognises these TUEs and ICSD asks to receive a copy of any such TUE by email ( at least two (2) weeks before the start of the event, i.e. by Friday, 12 July 2013.

If this is not the case and an athlete entered to compete is not able to seek approval for a TUE from his or her NADO or IF, the athlete must apply to ICSD by filling out the ICSD TUE form with the treating physician and sending the form and all the required supporting medical documentation to ICSD ( as soon as possible, and at least 30 days before the start of the event, i.e by Wednesday, 26 June 2013.

1. Do you need to take a medication that contains a prohibited substance?

- Check the 2013 Prohibited List with your doctor

- Check with your doctor that there is no permitted treatment that would be a reasonable alternative

2. If you need to take a medication that contains a prohibited substance(s) and there is no reasonable alternative, fill out the ICSD TUE Form with your doctor

3. Before sending the TUE form to ICSD, please make sure that all fields are properly filled in, you and your doctor have signed, and that you have attached all the necessary medical documentation (evidence supporting diagnosis, results of medical exams, recent follow-up report, etc.)

4. Send the completed TUE form and necessary medical documentation to

5. You will receive confirmation of receipt of your TUE application and your application will be sent to the ICSD TUE Committee for their decision.

6. The ICSD TUE Committee will decide whether to grant or deny your TUE request based on the criteria in the International Standard for TUEs and WADA's Medical Information documents to support the decisions of the TUE Committees.

7. You will be sent the ICSD TUE Committee's decision.

Please note that the information provided in the TUE application will only be used for evaluating the TUE request and in the context of possible anti-doping violation investigations and procedures. ICSD TUE decisions will also be entered into the Anti-doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), the web-based database management system created by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

12 Jul 2013