General Technical Rules - Deaflympics
Tokyo 2025
The Summer Deaflympics 2025 will take place from 15 Nov 2025 to 26 Nov 2025 in Tokyo, Japan.
The program of the Summer Deaflympics 2025 includes the following disciplines:
2.1 Individual sports: Athletics, Badminton, Beach Volleyball, Bowling, Cycling Road, Golf, Judo, Karate, Mountain Bike, Orienteering, Shooting, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Wrestling Freestyle, Wrestling Greco-Roman.
2.2 Team sports: Basketball, Football, Handball, Volleyball.
2.3. The events of individual sports are specified in the Special Rules and Regulations for each sport.
2.4. Only those sports and events having received preliminary/final entry registrations from at least five (5) countries / two (2) regions for males and females shall remain on the official program.
2.5. In case of a cancellation of a sport or an event due to DG7 5, the Secretariat of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) shall notify the affected National Deaf Sports Federations at least fourteen (14) days after the deadline for preliminary registrations and, if necessary, immediately after the deadline for final registrations.
3.1. The Summer Deaflympics 2025 bring together, in a honest and impartial competition, Deaf athletes of all affiliated full members.
3.2. No discrimination is permitted toward a Federation or a person on account of race, religion or political affiliations.
3.3. Participation in the Summer Deaflympics is restricted to persons who are:
- Deaf, defined as a hearing loss of at least 55 dB in the better ear (3-tone frequency average at 500, 1000 and 2000 Hertz, ISO 1964 Standard),
- Members of an affiliated National Deaf Sports Federation.
3.4. There is, as a rule, no age limit for competitors. There may, however, be age limits for a specific sport or event, per sport regulations.
3.5. The registration forms will include the text of the eligibility code to be signed by two officials (normally the president and secretary) of the Federation: "We, the undersigned, declare that we have read the eligibility conditions for the Summer Deaflympics and that we and our athletes comply with them. We agree to be filmed or photographed during the Summer Deaflympics under the conditions and for the purposes authorized by the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf."
3.6. No entry shall be valid unless the above Rules shall have been observed.
3.7. All participants must hold the nationality of the country of their National Deaf Sports Federation. In case of objections, the Federation concerned must provide proof of nationality, by providing a copy of passport.
4.1. A list of athletes who have previously submitted an audiogram is distributed to each federation. Athletes whose names appear on the list do not need to submit a new audiogram. All other athletes (whose names are not on the list) must, prior to participation, submit to Secretariat an audiogram on forms supplied by ICSD through website.
4.2. The athletes registered for the Summer Deaflympics may be required to take additional hearing tests during the Summer Deaflympics.
4.3. All athletes may be required to undergo doping tests.
4.4. An athlete who fails any of these above tests, he/she will be taken out of competition immediately. If he/she competes in different events in this sport, he/she will be disqualified only in the event the violation was done.
4.5. In the case where such an athlete is a member of a team he/she will be taken out of the game immediately. He/she will be disqualified for the rest of the game and the next game. A substitute for him/her may enter the competition.
4.6. In the case of fraud, the National Deaf Sports Federation will be obliged to pay all penalty expenses and fines imposed by the Executive Board of the ICSD.
4.7. All other expenses for tests taken during the Summer Deaflympics are to be borne by the Organizing Committee.
4.8. An athlete who use medicine or forbidden substances due to permanent illness (allergy, asthma, epilepsy) must apply for TUE form. More information can be found in ICSD Anti-Doping Rules.
5.1. Only affiliated National Deaf Sports Federations are allowed to register competitors in the Summer Deaflympics.
5.2. The maximum number of engagements in each sport and event is specified in the Special Rules and Regulations for each sport.
5.3. For every three athletes entered the National Deaf Sports Federation is allowed to appoint one official plus one official for each sport (excluding delegates to the Congress).
5.4. The registration forms for the Summer Deaflympics 2025 will be supplied by ICSD Secretariat.
6.1. The deadline for preliminary registration for team sports is 15 May 2023.
6.2. The deadline to show participation confirmation for team sports is 15 Nov 2024.
6.3. The deadline for final registration for team sports is 15 Oct 2025.
6.4. The final registrations with the names of each athlete indicating event and jersey number entered must be submitted to the ICSD Secretariat no later than 15 Oct 2025. Such submissions will be made via official online registration.
6.5. No additional entries will be accepted after 15 Oct 2025.
6.6. The fine for withdrawal between 15 Mar 2023 - 15 May 2023 is US $2500.00 to be paid immediately after the withdrawal.
6.7. The fine for withdrawal after 15 Oct 2025 is US $5000.00 to be paid immediately after the withdrawal.
7.1. Preliminary registrations with an indication of the probable number of athletes in each sport and event must be submitted to the ICSD Secretariat no later than 15 Nov 2024.
7.2. The final registrations with the names of each athlete indicating sport and event entered must be submitted to the ICSD Secretariat no later than 15 Oct 2025. Such submissions will be made via official online registration form.
7.3. No additional entries will be accepted after 15 Oct 2025.
7.4. A fine of US $100.00 is levied on each non-starting athlete with the exception of those presenting a doctor's declaration that he/she should not be allowed to start.
8.1. Each delegation will be responsible for its own travel arrangements as well as for meals, accommodations and other related expenses.
8.2. Each athlete and official (including delegates) must pay a participation fee of US $60.00 before the opening of the Summer Deaflympics.
8.3. Any previous outstanding debts must be paid before the opening of the Summer Deaflympics or the entire team will not be allowed to participate in the competitions.
9.1. In all individual sports and events the first prize will be a vermeil medal and a diploma, the second prize a silver medal and a diploma, and the third prize a bronze medal and a diploma.
9.2. In all team sports and in team events included in other sports, except for those of an "artificial" nature (see 9.3.), each member of a winning team who has participated in at least one match or competition held during the Summer Deaflympics shall be awarded the first prize, each such member of the second team the second prize and each such member of the third team the third prize (see 9.1.). The other members of these teams are awarded diplomas but no medals.
9.3. In individual competitions the competitors placed fourth to eight shall be awarded diplomas.
10.1. For all sports at least one technical meeting will take place before the first contest in each sport. Date, time and place will be announced.
10.2. The technical meetings may be attended by the competition committee, the jury, the Technical Director of ICSD and two representatives (one of whom must be Deaf) for each participating nation. If a hearing person accompanies a deaf representative to the meeting, an interpreter will be allowed.
10.3. The draws for team sports have been conducted in (venue to be announced) on (drawing date to be announced) for those nations registered for team sports.
10.4. The draw for the knock-out competitions will take place in Tokyo before or during the technical meetings for these sports. The seedings will be published before the draw takes place.
11.1. The Executive Board of ICSD constitutes the supreme authority which will decide, as the last resort, all disputes relating to the Summer Deaflympics, on appeal by the Organizing Committee or the participating National Deaf Sports Federations.
11.2. Protests made to ground judges, in matters of competition, are judged by them and are without appeal unless a protest has been made in writing (in English) on the official Summer Deaflympics protest form. The protest must be delivered within a fixed time for each sport (see the technical regulations for each sport).
11.3. Protests against a decision of an official can be made to any member of the Protest Committee of the sport in question and must be accompanied by a deposit of US $100.00.
11.4. The Protest Committee must decide on the protest within the time limits set forth for each sport, and the federation in question must be informed about the decision immediately.
11.5. An appeal against the decision of Protest Committee can be addressed by an official of the protesting federation to the Jury of Appeal of the Summer Deaflympics within four hours after the decision of the first Protest Committee has been declared.
11.6. If a protest is accepted, the deposit is to be returned to the protesting federation.
11.7. Appeals regarding hearing ability, doping tests and nationality of an athlete are solely the jurisdiction of the Executive Board of ICSD.
All athletes and officials will be given an identity card which must be carried when entering sites and stadiums. Without the identity card, no athletes may start.
13.1. Small logos and other advertisements are accepted on clothes and equipment provided that is not greater than a total of 400 cm2 in both front and back, either as part of the traditional distinctive design pattern or independent of the traditional design pattern. (Refer to Deaflympics Regulations DG15.2)
13.2. Every kind of demonstration or propaganda, whether political, religious or racial, is forbidden in the Summer Deaflympics area and outside these. (See IOC Olympic Charter, Article 50 - August 2015 edition).
The use any kind of hearing aid(s)/amplification or external cochlear implant parts is strictly forbidden during Summer Deaflympics event.
For those cases not foreseen in the present Rules and Regulations of the Deaflympics or in the Statutes of ICSD, the Summer Deaflympics will refer to the Rules and Regulations of the IOC and of the International Federations. These are without appeal and have absolute priority over the rules and regulations of the National Deaf Sports Federations of the Organizing country.
Notice: this rules are subject to change.